Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Yoann Barelli

Yoann Barelli's POV footage from the Pemberton Enduro. These trails look really great and this guy is hauling through them at crazy speeds.

Friday, April 24, 2015


This is the future of pumptracks. All weather all wheels tarmac tracks. Asphalt is the way to go!

this one is by Velosolutions

This is the future of pump tracks and outdoor play areas. Large scale pump tracks 'pump parks' that incorporate features that any urban wheeled vehicle can have tons of fun on. Skateboards, BMX, Mountain Bikes, Scooters, Balance Bikes

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Brad's yard

Our friend Brad's backyard pumptrack is running really well. Brad hand-built this track himself. It's really awesome. Watch this video of him enjoying his hard work

Sunday, April 19, 2015

lake Capybara

Brett Tippie interviews Eric Carter at the dual slalom at Sea Beaver

Dual Slalom- Sea Otter 2015

Sea otter 2015 dual slalom

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Luke Strobel

Boy I hate the vital mtb video player but this lil edit of Luke Strobel is worth a watch.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fabio Wibmer

This starts off like: what am I watching, what is this? Then its like; oh hes doing things on a bike. Then its like oh wow he's standing on the handlebars! Oh he jumped on a squishy bike... then whoa!

Fabio Wibmer

GoPro Line In Epic Village | Fabio Wibmer

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


UCI World Cup starts really soon! Yay! Here is a track preview of a proper course. Hey its in France.

Piste Lourdes - Premier essai par le club
Lourdes track - First test by the club

R Dog

This guy totally sucks at bikes. Did you see his hands fly off the bars at 1:11 and all those skids and things. Not cool at all.

You might be surprised to know that the rider who has become synonymous with stylish whips made his first-ever trip to Whistler to play hockey. That’s right, recent winner of the Oceana Whip-Off Championships at Crankworx Rotorua, Ryan Howard, wasn’t always the master of two wheels we now 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fun Fun

the two tracks at Fun Fun Park

contouring and packing crushed rock

We were at Fun Fun park on Saturday and finished the run-bike track and surfaced the large track in crushed stone. The next step is to cover the stone in mineral soil and pack. More photos after the jump>>