We just received our shipment from 1664 Distribution, and we have some major stoke on!
We have Deity gear in stock, including Twenty14 and Dirty Thirty bars, and the burly Vendetta crankset. If you're looking for the burliest wheel out there, come get us to build up a set of Atomlab Pimp Rims. We have them in red ano in stock, but they're also available in black, white, and green.
Also on the truck were our Eastern Night Train and BlkMrkt Three57 completes; come check out some wicked bikes. If you're looking to do a sweet custom build to dial in your steez, we have BlkMrkt Riot frames in red and white, as well as a sweet Atomlab Trailking frame in shiny black.

Oh yeah, glow in the dark grips. For real...

You know you want 'em.