So it finally really snowed here in the Lower Mainland, and for some strange reason, people aren't driving in droves to the shop!

Despite the weather, we have the gear to keep you riding. Mace Cryogen gloves and Kona merino wool socks will keep the tootsies and digits warm. If you're commuting with icicles in your moustache, we have a good selection of various Axiom gear to keep everything from your ears to your feet warm and dry. If you're on the shuttle diet this winter, we have Kona DH pants and jackets for $90 and $126 respectively - ask Derek about these, he's been super-impressed with them. We also have Sombrio and Kona hoodies in stock, and there is the ever-popular Bike Zone Tee! The Bike Zone Tee is guaranteed* to keep you warm with all the good feelings you get from repping your favourite shop!
* Not an actual guarantee, Bike Zone Tees are not magical, but if you have a hairy chest, they may help trap warm air in there.
We also got in a selection of sweet 661 Evolution helmets, sizes M-XL. While they may not fit Kyle's giant head, people with normal sized domes can enjoy the light weight and awesome styling of this great helmet.

We just stocked up the sticker cabinet with Deity, Blk Mrkt, and SixSixOne stickers, too. Everyone loves stickers, so come on by!